Results for 'John E. Naus'

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  1.  66
    The nature of the practical intellect according to Saint Thomas Aquinas.John E. Naus - 1959 - Roma,: Università gregoriana.
    CHAPTER I SPECULATIVE AND PRACTICAL INTELLECT In the Summa Theologiae, St. Thomas devotes an entire article to answering the question, «Whether the ...
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    Modern Ethical Theories. [REVIEW]John E. Naus - 1963 - Modern Schoolman 40 (4):409-410.
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    Review of John E. Atwell: Schopenhauer: the human character[REVIEW]John E. Atwell - 1992 - Ethics 102 (2):410-411.
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    Comments on Beth J. Singer's "John E. Smith on Pragmatism".John E. Smith - 1980 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 16 (1):26 - 33.
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    Dynamic binding in a neural network for shape recognition.John E. Hummel & Irving Biederman - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (3):480-517.
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    SOAR: An architecture for general intelligence.John E. Laird, Allen Newell & Paul S. Rosenbloom - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 33 (1):1-64.
  7. The moral gap: Kantian ethics, human limits, and God's assistance.John E. Hare - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Is morality too difficult for human beings? Kant said that it was, except with God's assistance. Contemporary moral philosophers have usually discussed the question without reference to Christian doctrine, and have either diminished the moral demand, exaggerated human moral capacity, or tried to find a substitute in nature for God's assistance. This book looks at these philosophers--from Kant and Kierkegaard to Swinburne, Russell, and R.M. Hare--and the alternative in Christianity.
  8. The coherence of omniscience: A defense. [REVIEW]John E. Abbruzzese - 1997 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 41 (1):25-34.
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    Christologists Three.John E. Wise - 1936 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 11 (3):392-408.
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    Formal Training and the Liberal Arts.John E. Wise - 1944 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 19 (3):483-492.
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    Entrepreneurial Learning and Deepak Chopra's Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.John E. Young - 2007 - Journal of Human Values 13 (1):13-22.
    This research examines the concept of entrepreneurial learning and relates it to Deepak Chopra's seven spiritual laws of success. The article first examines generic processes in motivating entrepreneurs to engage in self-directed learning projects on behalf of their businesses. Then it examines three modes of learning as they apply to practising entrepreneurs. Triple-loop learning is proposed as the deepest level of entrepreneurial learning. Triple-loop learners are considered the most likely entrepreneurs to practise the seven spiritual laws of success. Finally, each (...)
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    God's Command.John E. Hare - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This work is an exploration of divine command theory, which is the theory that what makes something morally obligatory is that God commands it.
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    America's Philosophical Vision.John E. Smith - 1992 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In these previously uncollected essays, Smith argues that American philosophers like Peirce, James, Royce, and Dewey have forged a unique philosophical tradition—one that is rich and complex enough to represent a genuine alternative to the analytic, phenomenological, and hermeneutical traditions which have originated in Britain or Europe. "In my judgment, John Smith has no equal today in combining two scholarly qualities: the analysis of philosophical texts with penetration and rigor, and the discernment of what it is in these texts (...)
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  14.  61
    A symbolic-connectionist theory of relational inference and generalization.John E. Hummel & Keith J. Holyoak - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (2):220-264.
  15.  16
    How We Cooperate: A Theory of Kantian Optimization.John E. Roemer - 2019 - Yale University Press.
    _A new theory of how and why we cooperate, drawing from economics, political theory, and philosophy to challenge the conventional wisdom of game theory_ Game theory explains competitive behavior by working from the premise that people are self-interested. People don’t just compete, however; they also cooperate. John Roemer argues that attempts by orthodox game theorists to account for cooperation leave much to be desired. Unlike competing players, cooperating players take those actions that they would like others to take—which Roemer (...)
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    G.E. Moore and Voluntary Actions.John E. Sweeney - 1977 - New Scholasticism 51 (2):196-210.
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    John Dewey: Philosopher of Experience.John E. Smith - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (1):60 - 78.
    Let it be clear at the outset that in reappraising Dewey's thought we have to do with no minute philosopher. In breadth of interest and range of thought he belongs with the great comprehensive thinkers of the past. And in contrast to many thinkers both in his own time and since, he had a constructive program. Philosophy for him meant more than analysis, even though analysis is an important part of the philosophic enterprise. Dewey's constructive philosophy has too often been (...)
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    Ends and principles in Kant's moral thought.John E. Atwell - 1986 - Norwell, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers [distributor].
    As a work of a scholarship it seems to me to compare favourably with the best books on the subject, including those by Marcus Singer and Onora Nell.' Prof.
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  19.  20
    Psychophysical and computational studies towards a theory of human stereopsis.John E. W. Mayhew & John P. Frisby - 1981 - Artificial Intelligence 17 (1-3):349-385.
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    Identifying living and sentient kinds from dynamic information: the case of goal-directed versus aimless autonomous movement in conceptual change.John E. Opfer - 2002 - Cognition 86 (2):97-122.
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    Sharing values to safeguard the future: British Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration as epideictic rhetoric.John E. Richardson - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (2):171-191.
    This article explores the rhetoric, and mass mediation, of the national Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration ceremony, as broadcast on British television. I argue that the televised national ceremonies should be approached as an example of multi-genre epideictic rhetoric, working up meanings through a hybrid combination of genres, author/animators and modes. Epideictic rhetoric has often been depreciated as simply ceremonial ‘praise or blame’ speeches. However, given that the topics of praise/blame assume the existence of social norms, epideictic also acts to presuppose (...)
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    New Directions in the Marxian Theory of Exploitation and Class.John E. Roemer - 1982 - Politics and Society 11 (3):253-287.
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  23. On Several Approaches to Equality of Opportunity.John E. Roemer - 2012 - Economics and Philosophy 28 (2):165-200.
    The formal theory of equality of opportunity emerged as a response – a friendly amendment – to Ronald Dworkin's (1981) characterization of resource egalitarianism, as defined by the allocation that would emerge from insurance contracts arrived at behind a thin veil of ignorance. This article compares several of the prominent versions of this response, put forth in the period 1993–2008. I argue that a generalization of Roemer's (1998) proposal is the most satisfactory approach. Inherent in that generalization is an indeterminism, (...)
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    Anaxagoras and Recursive Refinement.John E. Sisko - 2005 - Ancient Philosophy 25 (2):239-245.
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    XI—Radical Empiricism.John E. Smith - 1965 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 65 (1):205-218.
    John E. Smith; XI—Radical Empiricism, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 65, Issue 1, 1 June 1965, Pages 205–218,
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  26. Infinity and continuity.John E. Murdoch - 1982 - In Norman Kretzmann, Anthony Kenny & Jan Pinborg, Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 564--91.
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    Reflections on Vincent Colapietro's Fateful Shapes of Human Freedom: John William Miller and the Crises of Modernity.John E. Smith - 2004 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 40 (2):205 - 208.
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    Egalitarian Perspectives: Essays in Philosophical Economics.John E. Roemer - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
  29.  25
    The Perfectibility of Man.John E. Smith - 1972 - Philosophical Review 81 (3):394.
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  30. Kant’s Notion of Respect for Persons.John E. Atwell - 1982 - Tulane Studies in Philosophy 31:17-30.
  31.  42
    Recontextualising fascist ideologies of the past: right-wing discourses on employment and nativism in Austria and the United Kingdom.John E. Richardson & Ruth Wodak - 2009 - Critical Discourse Studies 6 (4):251-267.
    In this article, we trace the histories of discourses supporting ‘jobs for natives’ in the UK and Austria using the discourse-historical approach to critical discourse studies. DHA uses four ‘levels of context’ as heuristic devices in critical analysis. In this article, we focus our attention predominantly on the broadest of these, largely eschewing the text internal analysis typical of CDA, in favour of a wider contextual sweep. In this way, we deconstruct and trace the conceptual history of British and Austrian (...)
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  32.  67
    Time, death, and history in Simmel and Heidegger.John E. Jalbert - 2003 - Human Studies 26 (2):259-283.
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    On the Question of Homoeomereity in Anaxagorean Physics.John E. Sisko - 2009 - Apeiron 42 (2):89-104.
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    Anaxagoras' Parmenidean Cosmology: Worlds within Worlds within the One.John E. Sisko - 2003 - Apeiron 36 (2):87 - 114.
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    A model of consciousness.E. Roy John - 1976 - In Gary E. Schwartz & D. H. Shapiro, Consciousness and Self-Regulation. Plenum. pp. 1--50.
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    A note on decisions, judgments, and universalizability.John E. Atwell - 1967 - Ethics 77 (2):130-134.
  37.  98
    Eclectic distributional ethics.John E. Roemer - 2004 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 3 (3):267-281.
    Utilitarians, maximinners, prioritarians, and sufficientarians each provide examples of situations demonstrating, often apparently compellingly, that a sensible ethical observer must adopt their view and reject the others. I argue, to the contrary, that an attractive ethic is eclectic or pluralistic, in the sense of coinciding with these apparently different views in different regions of the space of social states. I reject the view that an appealing ethic can be universally maximin, prioritarian, or utilitarian. Key Words: distributive justice • utilitarianism • (...)
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    Saussure.John E. Joseph - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    In the first comprehensive biography of Ferdinand de Saussure, John E. Joseph restores the full character and history of a man who is considered the founder of modern linguistics and whose ideas have influenced literary theory, philosophy, cultural studies, and virtually every other branch of humanities and the social sciences.
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    A crucial distinctive author contact information.John E. Culp - 2022 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 91 (3):145-159.
    A mutual relation between God and the world provides a crucial distinction between panentheism and both classical theism and pantheism. Several proposals responding to Analytical Theology's challenge to distinguish panentheism from other forms of theism are considered and found inadequate. After defining mutual relation, conceptual evidence and the frequency of descriptions of panentheism that affirm a mutual relation between God and the world provide evidence that a mutual relation is crucial to distinguishing panentheism. Finally, benefits of recognizing a mutual relation (...)
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    Panentheism.John E. Culp - 2009 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  41. Analytical Foundations of Marxian Economic Theory.John E. Roemer - 1989 - Cambridge University Press.
    Professor Roemer's goal in this book is to give a rigorous view of classical Marxian economic theory by presenting specific analytic models. The theory is not extended to deal with new problems, but it is deepened: Marxian theory is given micro-foundations and upon those foundations the author begins to rebuild a tightly constructed Marxian economics. The book begins, after a methodological introduction, with an examination of the Marxian notion of equilibrium and the theory of exploitation, and goes on to deal (...)
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    The business of ethics and the ethics of business.John E. Pattan - 1984 - Journal of Business Ethics 3 (1):1 - 19.
    This is an essay in personal business ethics of executives as distinguished from the institutional ethics of corporations. Its purpose is to give practical moral guidance to executives for the conduct of their lives both as corporate decision-makers and as human beings. The pivotal concept in this model of personal business ethics is a direct appeal to the self-interest of executives in their being moral.Our thesis is that generally there is a twofold return on investment in ethics (ROIE) for executives. (...)
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  43. Alteration and Quasi-Alteration: A Critical Notice of Stephen Everson, Aristotle on Perception'.John E. Sisko - 1998 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 16:331-52.
  44.  44
    Methodological Individualism and Deductive Marxism.John E. Roemer - 1982 - Theory and Society 11 (4):513.
  45. Why teach science? Setting rational goals for science education.John E. Longbottom & Philip H. Butler - 1999 - Science Education 83 (4):473-492.
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    The accordion effect thesis.John E. Atwell - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (77):337-342.
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  47. Defending Equality of Opportunity.John E. Roemer - 2003 - The Monist 86 (2):261-282.
    The theory of equal opportunity as I have expounded it in Roemer uses a language comprising five words: objective, circumstance, type, effort, and policy. The objective is the kind of outcome or well-being or advantage for whose acquisition one wishes to equalize opportunities, in a given population. Circumstances are the set of environmental influences, beyond the individual’s control, that affect his or her chances of acquiring the objective. A type is the group of individuals in the population with a given (...)
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  48. RNA’s Role in the Origins of Life: An Agentic ‘Manager’, or Recipient of ‘Off-loaded’ Constraints?John E. Stewart - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (3):643-650.
    In his Target Article, Terrence Deacon develops simple models that assist in understanding the role of RNA in the origins of life. However, his models fail to adequately represent an important evolutionary dynamic. Central to this dynamic is the selection that impinges on RNA molecules in the context of their association with proto-metabolisms. This selection shapes the role of RNA in the emergence of life. When this evolutionary dynamic is appropriately taken into account, it predicts a role for RNA that (...)
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    Scientific Forensics: How the Office of Research Integrity can Assist Institutional Investigations of Research Misconduct During Oversight Review.John E. Dahlberg & Nancy M. Davidian - 2010 - Science and Engineering Ethics 16 (4):713-735.
    The Division of Investigative Oversight within the U.S. Office of Research Integrity (ORI) is responsible for conducting oversight review of institutional inquiries and investigations of possible research misconduct. It is also responsible for determining whether Public Health Service findings of research misconduct are warranted. Although ORI findings rely primarily on the scope and quality of the institution’s analyses and determinations, ORI often has been able to strengthen the original findings by employing a variety of analytical methods, often computer based. Although (...)
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  50.  28
    Philosophy of mind in antiquity.John E. Sisko (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Spanning 1200 years of intellectual history – from the 6th century BCE emergence of philosophical enquiry in the Greek city-state of Miletus, to the 6th century CE closure of the Academy in Athens in 529 – Philosophy of Mind in Antiquity provides an outstanding survey of philosophy of mind of the period. It covers a crucial era for the history of philosophy of mind, examining the enduring and controversial arguments of Plato and Aristotle, in addition to the contribution of the (...)
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